
Teaching online was a brand new experience for me.  I took an excellent class on Zoom last spring that gave me all the tools I could possibly need while providing a foundation for me to begin the process of re-membering my scattered being.  One requirement of the class was to offer our gifts to the world.  As public as my life profession had been, this was different.  It was a whole new arena where I was unknown, and which, I have discovered is quite full of hundreds of amazing people who are already offering incredible and important gifts of spiritual guidance, teaching and healing.  But I was clear that I have something to share -- my passion about the teachings of Ancient Kemet.  The 7 Hermetic Laws of Ancient Kemet and the Principles of MAAT.  So I did an online class on the 7 Hermetic Laws.  Several faithful friends, new and old, participated.  Each month, as I prepared for the session, re-reading the principles and listening for what spoke to me in this season of my life and of humanity, new insights came.  And it was clear that I was teaching what Spirit wanted me to see and know at this time.  It was an initiation opening me and ushering me through a portal of re-membering my true essence – OUR true Essence. 

The current shift in the consciousness of humanity is as deep as the inception of our entry into human form as beings of Light.  It is a cosmic shift.  It is bigger than anything being reported on the news, than any group from any culture on the planet, than any particular belief system.  This shift is beyond thought, conjecture or conniving.  It is a Spiritual shift.  It is a global, human initiation.

For me Initiation means stepping into a new awareness that changes previous beliefs and understandings of the world and our place in it.  This awareness requires some adjustment and exploration as we get used to a new reality.  It is sweet, but there is grief in the loss of what used to be.

So, we have been ushered through a portal to re-membrance.  We are spiritual, cosmic beings.  We are waking up.

This is a really good time to revisit the Ancient teachings which help us remember how this universe works.  And though we may discover and remember new truths and workings, having a foundation from which to move forward gives us a basis from which to participate in the new ways being revealed and created.

I have decided to stop running and hiding, so I’ll be sharing my musings about the 7 Hermetic Laws of Ancient Kemet, the 7 Principles of MAAT, Auset and Ausar, the Divine Feminine,  Biblical and Spiritual teachings, and other things with you, as Spirit leads.  I look forward to hearing your insights.

All who have heard a call to the Higher Consciousness of LOVE are welcome here.  Those who do not desire or resonate with this frequency will be asked to share your gifts elsewhere.

All in love and for LOVE.

Hotep and Ashe!




Linda Lee